The newly launched initiative Heja Lund! the business community, University and municipality are working together to promote Lund in various ways. The goal is a Lund that is buzzing and bubbling with attractive events. To this end, it provides financial support for events that contribute in various ways to the attractiveness of Lund.
The application is for organisers who want to apply for a grant to enrich Lund with new events. The support is not meant to be part of the core funding, but is intended to encourage risk-taking, marketing and quality improvement. Projects that are granted funding must also have a project budget that clearly shows how the support from Heja Lund! will be used. Decisions on awards are made by representatives of the members of Heja Lund! in connection with the four annual network meetings - and decisions cannot be appealed.
The basic criteria for events eligible for funding are:
Do you have an idea for an event that fulfils the above criteria? Email us and we will send you an application form.
The initiative Heja Lund! consists of representatives from Axis Communications, Castellum, Skanska Sverige AB, Lund University, Sparbanken Skåne, Sydsvenskan and Wihlborgs. The network's hospitality partner is Grand Hotel Lund. There are also representatives from Lund Municipality.
Through close co-operation between the municipality, University and industry, Heja Lund! will be able to act as a catalyst for lifting Lund in various ways. To this end, financial support will be given to events that contribute in various ways to the attractiveness of Lund. The Heja Lund! initiative controls the allocation of funds to applicants and will meet four times a year for this purpose.
Curious to know more about Heja Lund? Please contact Per Welinder:
Updated: 2022-01-12
Visit Lund AB - a part of Lund Municipality