Lunds kommun startsida

Lund on foot - a walking tour

Everything is close at hand here in Lund, making it the perfect city to discover on foot or by bike. You are sure to find your favourites among all the exciting experiences and attractions available here. Join us through sixteen exciting and interesting stops.

Lund is one of Sweden’s oldest cities. It was founded by the Danish king Sweyn Forkbeard around the year 990. You can still see clear traces of the layout from its Danish period, as the inner city streets largely follow the medieval pattern.

kartbild över besöksmål i Lund. Foton i bilden visar de olika besöksmålen.

1. Lund’s Cathedral
and Cathedral Forum

Lund’s Cathedral was built in the Middle Ages – its oldest parts are from 1085. The remarkable astronomical clock dates from the 1440s and Finn the Giant is found in the crypt. South of the cathedral is the Cathedral Forum, which enhances a visit to the cathedral.

Address: Kyrkogatan 6, Lund

Map to the cathedral

Domkyrkan med Domkyrkoforum i förgrunden.

2. The Historical Museum

The Historical Museum in Lund is Sweden’s second largest archaeological museum. Exhibits include finds from excavations of the Iron Age town of Uppåkra and numerous objects from Skåne’s Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages.

Address: Kraftstorg 1, Lund

Opening hours at the Historical Museum

Utställning på Historiska museet. Historiska museiföremål står presenterade i ett rum.

3. The University Site

The University Site quadrangle was designed by Helgo Zettervall to unite the university building with the Academic Society, located opposite. Lundagårdshuset is located on its south side and Palaestra et Odeum on its north.

Address: Sandgatan 2, Lund

Website of the Academic Society

Universitetshuset i Lund med en blommande magnolia.

4. Hökeriet

Lund’s oldest grocery shop is located in a traditional timber building from about 1815. Today, you can purchase food and craft items here, or relax with a “fika” in their small cafe.

Address: Sankt Annegatan, Lund

Opening hours Hökeriet

Litet, gammalt gathus. Skylt berättar om butik som brukade ligga i huset. Idag Hökeriet, som visar det gamla butikslivet.

5. The Museum of Life

The Museum of Life explains the human body using modern technology and historical objects to illustrate health, disease and medicine, past and present.

Address: Lasarettsgatan 5B, Lund

Opening hours the Museum of Life

Ett skelett och andra museiföremål på Livets museum.

6. The University Library

The new University Library was designed in the neo-Gothic style by the architect Alfred Hellerström and opened to the public in 1907. Today, the library has more than 100 km of shelving covering practically every language and

Address: Helgonavägen 2, Lund

Opening hours at the University Library

Gammal fin byggnad med vildvin som täcker fasaden och skiftar i höstfärger. Lunds universitetsbibliotek.

7. Museum of Artistic
Process and Public Art

The Museum of Sketches houses the university’s collection of sketches and models of public art. Its focus on the artistic process and on art within the public space makes the museum globally unique.

Address: Finngatan 2, Lund

Opening hours at the Museum

Besökare på Skissernas museum tittar på tavlor och skulpturer.

8. The Botanical Gardens

The Botanical Garden is an oasis in the centre of Lund, with 7000 plant species and greenhouses spanning nine climate zones.

Address: Östra Vallgatan 20, Lund

Discover the Botanical Gardens

From 2024 onwards, the greenhouses will be renovated and closed indefinitely.

Äldre hus, bänkar och cafébord framför damm i Botaniska trädgården. Höst.

9. Kulturen

Kulturen comprises two blocks in central Lund packed with historical buildings and environments that you can visit. Step into the buildings and experience urban and rural life, from the Middle Ages to the 1930s. The museum also has some twenty exhibitions, as well as programme activities for all ages.

Address: Tegnérsplatsen 6, Lund

Opening hours Kulturen

Ett gammalt trähus omgiven av högt gräs med blommor i. Några personer står utanför entrén till huset. 

10. Lunds konsthall

Lund’s art gallery displays and discusses contemporary art. It operates at a high international standard, yet has a clear regional anchoring. The gallery opened in 1957 and was designed by the architect Klas Anshelm.

Address: Mårtenstorget 3, Lund

Opening hours Lunds konsthall

Tavlor och skulpturer står uppställda i en konsthall.

11. Saluhallen

Saluhallen market hall has been a meeting place for foodies in Lund since 1909. It offers some of the city’s best speciality shops for food, drink and delicatessen.

Address: Mårtenstorget 1, Lund

Opening hours Saluhallen

Bitar av ost ligger i en ostdisk. Skyltar visar vilket pris.

12. Nöden

To cope with the population growth of the 1870s the "New Town" district was built, and given the nickname Nöden (Wasteland) because many poor people lived here. In the 1960s and 70s, calls were made to demolish the whole area. This was never done and today several blocks of old houses remain.

Address: Blocks around Korsgatan, Trädgårdsgatan, Mariagatan och Hospitalsgatan

Äldre gata som kantas med fina gamla hus på båda sidor. Stockrosor och rosor växer invid husen.

13. The City Park

The City Park is the most important green space for the inhabitants of Lund. Here you can visit the Garden of Sun and Shade, the Nordic Jungle and the Söderlyckan skatepark. You can also work out in the outdoor gym, enjoy a picnic in the green grass, or have a coffee at the centuries-old Stadsparkscaféet.

Address: Gyllenkroks allé, Lund

More about The City Park

Skejtpark i solnedgång. Grönskande träd ramar in parken.

14. Drottens kyrkoruin

The ruins are those of Lund’s second-largest medieval church, which dates from 1050. Entry through the restaurant or Föreningen Gamla Lund.

Address: Kattesund 6A, Lund

More about the history of the ruins

Belysta stenar, murar och ett guldigt kors - en kyrkoruin.

15. Svanen pharmacy

The pharmacy Apoteket Svanen has been on the same site since the mid-17th century and is a treasure trove of medical history. The walnut furnishings with inlays of different woods date from the turn of the last century. Today, Svanen is a regular pharmacy, but with an unusually long and rich history.

Address: Kyrkogatan 5, Lund

Fasaden in till Apoteket Svanen från 1600-talet. På insidan skymtar gammal apotekinredning i trä.

16. The Tegnér museum

Esaias Tegnér (1782-1846), was one of Sweden's most important writers and poets of his generation. During his time in Lund, 1799-1826, he spent some time living in this house on the street Stora Gråbrödersgatan. Part of Tegnér's home has been recreated inside the museum using original furnishings and various mementos associated with Tegnér.

Address: Stora Gråbrödersgatan 11, Lund

More about the Tegnér museum

Interiör från Tegnérmuseet. Äldre möbler och en öppen spis. Böcker och blommor i vas står på bordet.

Updated: 2022-01-12